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CIU’s Coronavirus Response

University officials continue monitoring the latest developments with the U.S. COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on University operations. Updates and new information will be added as needed, and the community will be notified through 电子邮件 and updates to this website.

CIU continues to be open and operational.

For reliable, up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 please visit the Center for Disease Control’s website.

Please see below for the latest update from CIU. If you have additional concerns or questions, you may contact the school at (800) 777-2227.

Message from the President

Greetings from CIU!

As the 2022–2023 school year progresses, CIU的COVID-19特别工作组继续监测与该病毒有关的情况.

我们意识到,围绕COVID-19及其应对措施存在大量争论. 在决定如何运作时,我们已尽最大努力明智而理性地审查信息.

Here are key points about CIU’s operations for this school year:

Students should regularly self-monitor for symptoms and alert if symptoms develop or if they get a positive COVID test result. 这将确保卫生服务小组的一名成员得到通知并迅速作出反应.

If students have symptoms; such as, 发热, 咳嗽, shortness of breath, 乏力, 身体疼痛, 头疼, loss of taste or smell, 喉咙痛, 交通拥堵, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea, 他们必须与CIU健康服务部预约进行COVID测试. After a positive test, 健康服务主任将为学生提供一份因病请假的表格.

Also following a positive COVID test, students will

  • Be urged to go home to isolate if possible.
  • Isolate in their room on campus if they are unable to go home.
  • 当他们在自己的房间(如果他们的室友留在房间里)和洗手间时,戴上口罩.
  • 预计将继续隔离,直到预计返回日期和/或症状消失.

有关学生和教职员工COVID协议的更多信息, click on the additional links on this page for specifics.

请和我一起为上帝的智慧祈祷,因为我们与国家保持联系, 州和当地的健康专家讨论这个问题,并考虑CIU校园的最佳实践.

COVID Procedures for Students

As we continue to live with COVID virus, CIU管理层决定了2022-2023学年CIU学生的以下程序. 我们将继续努力为所有学生提供一个安全的学习环境,您对这些程序的关注将有助于我们实现这一目标.

  1. 与CIU健康服务部门有关COVID症状或阳性检测的所有通信都必须通过 电子邮件. 这将确保卫生服务团队的成员将被告知并及时回复您的电子邮件.
  2. If you have symptoms such as, 发热, 咳嗽, shortness of breath, 乏力, 身体疼痛, 头疼, loss of taste or smell, 喉咙痛, 交通拥堵, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea, make an appointment with CIU Health Services to have a COVID test administered. If you receive a positive test, 卫生服务主任会给你一份旷课病假单.
    1. 如果你的家庭测试呈阳性或在医生办公室做过测试, please provide your positive test results to the Health Services Director.
  3. 学生有责任向每位教师提供由卫生服务部门提供的医疗证明.
    1. The form will provide the student with a projected return to class date. If more time is needed due to continued symptoms, contact and a new form may be provided to you with a new return date. This form must also be 电子邮件ed by the student to each of their instructors.
    2. 因COVID而缺勤将“医学豁免”,不计入25%缺勤失败政策.
  4. Following a Positive Test, students will…
    1. Be urged to go home to isolate if possible.
    2. Isolate in their room on campus if they are unable to go home.
    3. 当他们在自己的房间(如果他们的室友留在房间里)和洗手间时,戴上口罩.
    4. 预计将继续隔离,直到预计返回日期和/或症状消失.
  5. Following a Positive Test, CIU Health Services will …
    1. 通知住宿生活主任,以便在学生隔离期间安排膳食.
      1. 住宿生活主任将通知患有COVID的学生的室友,并帮助为未患病的学生安排住房.


COVID Procedures for Employees

As we continue to live with COVID virus, CIU管理层决定了2022-2023学年CIU员工的以下程序. We continue to strive to provide a safe work environment. Employees attention to these procedures will help us achieve this.

  • Treat COVID like other illnesses.
  • Stay home if ill.
  • Notify supervisor.
  • No need to advise


Emergency CARES Act Fund


CIU已经签署并退还了HEERF资金的认证和协议表格,并使用了根据《澳门新葡京网站》第18004(a)(1)条收到的100%的资金向学生提供HEERF资助. The Coronavirus Aid, 《澳门新葡京网址》为澳门新葡京网站提供了338美元,471 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds for student grants. 这笔资金旨在为学生提供现金,以支付因新冠肺炎大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用, such as food, 住房, course materials, 技术, 卫生保健, and childcare. 在2020年5月18日的那一周,CIU向大约626名学生发放了关怀补助金.

助学金是根据美国教育部的指导方针授予学生的. 被考虑的学生必须有资格获得联邦学生经济援助,并由联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)确定。. Additionally, 学生必须在2020年春季入学,在校园关闭之前,这些课程不完全是在线的. 按照联邦政府的建议优先考虑最需要帮助的学生, CIU made decisions accordingly. Undergrad Pell Grant recipients received $676, 非佩尔助学金获得者获得510美元,住宿研究生获得330美元. Students with a missing or incomplete FAFSA did not receive grants.

学生不需要申请,接受者也不需要采取额外的行动. 资金直接发送给学生,而不是记入他们的CIU学生账户.


On December 27, 2020, 国会通过了《澳门新葡京网站》(CRRSAA), which provided CIU with $338,471 in funding for emergency financial aid grants. (This is in addition to the CARES Act Grants disbursed in May 2020.)

根据美国教育部的联邦指导方针,917名学生(包括只上网的学生)获得了助学金. 按照联邦政府的要求优先考虑最需要帮助的学生, CIU awarded $527.59 to Undergrad Pell Grant recipients, $330.10 to Undergrad Non-Pell recipients and $232.60 to graduate-level students. 学生收到补助金的电子邮件通知,并有机会直接收到补助金,或将补助金用于学生帐户当前或未来的余额.


3月11日, 2021 Congress passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which provided CIU with $951,429 in funding for emergency financial aid grants.

根据美国教育部的联邦指导方针,1659名学生获得了助学金. 按照联邦政府的要求优先考虑最需要帮助的学生, CIU awarded $976.91 to Undergrad Pell Grant recipients and $468.30 to Non-Pell recipients enrolled in Fall semester 2021. 学生收到补助金的电子邮件通知,并有机会直接收到补助金,或将补助金用于学生帐户当前或未来的余额.

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report under CARES Act — 09-30-2020

查看CARES法案下的季度预算和支出报告- 03-31-2021.

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 06-30-2021

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 09-30-21

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report under Cares Act — 01/10/2022

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report under Cares Act — 04/10/2022

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 07-08-22

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 10-10-22

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 01-10-23

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 04-10-23

View the Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act — 07-10-23


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